There are a few ways, but it isn't a simple "set a configuration value". Unless you invest in a headless browser, which doesn't suit everyone's requirements, it is a little bit of a hack:

How to hide Firefox window (Selenium WebDriver)?


Is it possible to hide the browser in Selenium RC?

You can 'supposedly', pass in some parameters into Chrome, specifically: --no-startup-window

Note that for some browsers, especially IE, it will hurt your tests to not have it run in focus.

You can also hack about a bit with AutoIT, to hide the window once it's opened.

selenium如何实现后台运行? - 知乎

标准解决方案:使用headless的selenium driver就可以了。 短频快的解决方案: 使用ghost driver。具体的请参考我这篇文章。小而美的ghost driver.

Can Selenium WebDriver open browser windows silently in the ...

How to hide Firefox window (Selenium WebDriver)?. and ... Note that for some browsers, especially Internet Explorer, it will hurt your tests to not have it run in focus. ... It is used for hosting background apps, as this page says.

Python+selenium 技术篇-浏览器后台运行_小蓝枣的博客-CSDN博客

2018年11月23日 ... option=webdriver.ChromeOptions()option.add_argument('headless') #后台运行 driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=option) # 打开谷歌 ...

selenium自动化浏览器后台运行headless模式- Wiselee - 博客园

2018年11月26日 ... 通过selenium做WEB自动化的时候,必须要启动浏览器, 浏览器的启动与关闭会 影响执行效率。 当我们在自己电脑运行代码时,还会影响做别的 ...

Running WebDriver without opening actual browser window ...

I've heard rumors that Selenium WebDriver can run without opening a real browser window, meaning it runs in the background. I am using the C# Client Drivers, ...

python selenium后台运行- 简书

python selenium后台运行. from selenium import webdriver chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless')

python selenium后台运行- 云+社区- 腾讯云

2019年7月27日 ... from selenium import webdriver chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') driver = webdriver ...

Selenium ChromeDriver - 在后台运行但不是无头- Thinbug

2018年3月13日 ... 我正在寻找一种在后台使用chrome驱动程序运行selenium测试的方法。我的意思是 背景,而不是前景聚焦窗口.

Run Selenium Tests In Headless Browser - Blog

Aug 17, 2017 ... You can use your browser or your machine to do anything else while the tests run in the background. Save hours of time that is otherwise spent ...

Protractor/Selenium: run browser in the background - Stack Overflow

As stated before, docker-selenium works wonders. The only browser not supported by docker-selenium is Internet Explorer, for obvious ...

selenium后台运行报错:Message: element not interactable-Python ...

2020年2月20日 ... selenium在前台运行是正常的,但在后台静默运行就报错:selenium.common. exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element ...

Running Selenium with Headless Chrome

Apr 14, 2017 ... Background. It has long been rumored that Google uses a headless variant of Chrome for their web crawls. Over the last two years or so it had ...

Selenium WebDriver running in background - Stack Overflow

For running Selenium WebDriver in background you need to use headless webdriver for that you can use following code public static void ...

How to use Background in Cucumber and Background with Hooks

Oct 8, 2017 ... Working example of background with Hooks in Cucumber Java. Where ... But it runs before each and every scenario were for a feature in which it is defined. ... For automation, my weapons are Selenium(Java & C#), Appium, ...

Can I run selenium in background? - Quora

Yes you can run Selenium webdriver in backgroud. This feature is supported in latest selenium 3. You can run both Firefox and Chrome browser in headless mode ...

How To Run Your Tests Headlessly with Xvfb

In order to run your tests using a browser that's loaded on your CI Server you ... filename: headless.rb require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'rspec/expectations' include ... NOTE: This approach will keep Xvfb running in the background until the ...

how to start selenium-standalone in background? · Issue #232 · vvo ...

Oct 9, 2016 ... Hi guys, I use selenium-standalone to start selenium server, but there is problem I found. I need to keep the terminal opening after run the ...