With recent versions of Docker, you would set the value of the graph parameter to your custom path, in /etc/docker/daemon.json (according to https://docs.docker.com/v1.11/engine/reference/commandline/daemon/#daemon-configuration-file).

With older versions, you can change Docker's storage base directory (where container and images go) using the -goption when starting the Docker daemon. (check docker --help). You can have this setting applied automatically when Docker starts by adding it to /etc/default/docker

修改Docker 的默认存储路径- 知乎


2019年12月4日 ... Docker 默认安装的情况下,会使用/var/lib/docker/ 目录作为存储目录,用以存放拉 取的镜像和创建的容器等。不过由于此目录一般都位于系统盘, ...

How do I change the Docker image installation directory ...


Apr 10, 2015 ... How do I change the Docker image installation directory? · Ubuntu/Debian: edit your /etc/default/docker file with the -g option: DOCKER_OPTS="- ...



2018年12月15日 ... 在win10下安装docker时,选择container类型为Linux container之后,设置存储 路径不能再通过修改daemon的graph值配置了,具体修改方式如下 ...

Docker for windows pull镜像文件的安装位置改变方法- 星朝- 博客园


2019年7月22日 ... 如果要想改变路径只需要在hyper-v管理器里设置就可以了。默认的安装路径是C:\ Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks下。

How to change the docker image installation directory? - Stack ...


With recent versions of Docker, you would set the value of the data-root parameter to your custom path, in /etc/docker/daemon.json (according ...

docker默认安装路径的调整_runner668的博客-CSDN博客_docker ...


2018年6月16日 ... docker 的镜像与容器都存储在/var/lib/docker 下面,那么基于不同的系统 ... 下安装 docker时,选择container类型为Linux container之后,设置存储 ...

Docker在Win10下的安装和配置- 杨凯的个人页面- OSCHINA


2017年12月26日 ... 点击“Ok”即可自动开启,注意设置后电脑会自动重启。 ... 点击“Download”,下载 Zip包后解压缩到Docker安装路径下,重命名为“Kitematic”目录 ...

DockerToolbox安装docker - Windows 10 - 简书


2019年1月5日 ... 双击Docker Toolbox.exe, 一路点击 NEXT , 安装路径设置的是 E:\DockerToolbox 。 setup-docker-toolbox-1.png. setup ...

Docker installation directory - Docker Desktop for Windows - Docker ...


May 25, 2017 ... I am trying to install docker on win10 and it defaults to C:\Program Files\Docker. Is there anyway I can change the destination directory to be ...

Docker installation path : docker


While you cannot change the default installation path of the Docker for Windows installer, you can: Change the location of the MobyLinuxVM disk image (where ...

如何更改Docker镜像的安装目录? - 问答- 云+社区- 腾讯云


2018年1月21日 ... 热门排序. 热门排序; 时间排序. 用户回答. 使用Docker的最新版本,你可以将 graph 参数的值设置为你的自定义路径 /etc/docker/daemon.json ...

Get Docker | Docker Documentation


... and running it in production. You can download and install Docker on multiple platforms. Refer to the following section and choose the best installation path for  ...

change default installation Path for docker folder


Apr 21, 2017 ... By default, docker will be installed in c:\programdata\docker folder. change default installation path for docker folder. Also, we can find the default ...

Install Docker Desktop on Mac | Docker Documentation


Install and run Docker Desktop on Mac . Double-click Docker.dmg to open the installer, then drag the Docker icon to the Applications folder. Install ...

Docker Desktop for Mac user manual | Docker Documentation


... directory. For example, if you installed bash via Homebrew: ... Create the completions directory: mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/ ...

Installing Artifactory - JFrog - JFrog Documentation


Feb 11, 2021 ... Docker Installation. Create your Artifactory home directory and an empty system. yaml file. The user creating the folder should be the user ...