.gitignore will prevent untracked files from being added (without an add -f) to the set of files tracked by git, however git will continue to track any files that are already being tracked.

To stop tracking a file you need to remove it from the index. This can be achieved with this command.

git rm --cached <file>

The removal of the file from the head revision will happen on the next commit.

WARNING: While this will not remove the physical file from your local, it will remove the files from other developers machines on next git pull.

git 清除版本库中的忽略文件_唐大帅的编程之路-CSDN博客_git 删除 ...


2018年5月30日 ... 一、在已经提交的git代码管理里,删除不想提交的目录或文件1.在.gitignore ... 【git 】【eclipse】 误操作“忽略(ignore文件”,取消忽略文件操作.

How to make Git "forget" about a file that was tracked but is now in ...


I always use this command to remove those untracked files. One-line, Unix-style, clean output: git ls-files --ignored --exclude-standard | sed 's/.

git如何忽略已经提交的文件(.gitignore文件无效) - 简书


2016年11月5日 ... 这样其他开发人员同步之后, 新的ignore规则就会对以前track过的文件生效了(因为 以前track的文件已经被untrack且被删除了, 如果还有这样的文件, 那 ...

git正确的删除远程仓库的文件并用.gitignore忽略提交此文件 ...


2018年1月2日 ... 说明Git文件过滤规则应用到了Global的规则中。 3)第三种方法单个工程设置 排除文件,在工程目录下找到.git/info/exclude,把要排除的文件 ...

git-clean Documentation - Git


git-clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree ... This shows the files and directories to be deleted and issues an "Input ignore patterns>>" prompt.

删除文件- 廖雪峰的官方网站


2019年5月2日 ...Git中,删除也是一个修改操作,我们实战一下,先添加一个新文件 test.txt 到Git 并且提交: $ git add test.txt $ git commit -m "add test.txt" [master ...

Git ignore 怎样只不追踪本地文件,也不删除远端的文件 ...


2017年5月24日 ... 通常的git ignore都是自己本地的文件不再追踪,并且push之后会删除远端的这个 文件。 我的需求是,本地文件不再追踪,也不删除远端的文件, ...

git删除忽略文件.idea - Change的个人空间- OSCHINA


2018年12月26日 ... 1、将.idea目录加入ignore清单.gitignore内容: /.idea/ /part00-common/target/ / part01-lambda/target/ 2、从git删除idea git rm --cached -r .idea ...

Is there a way to remove all ignored files from a git repo? - Stack ...


git clean -dfX. git-clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree -d for removing directories -f remove forcefully -n Don't actually remove ...

Git: How to remove ignored files from your repository's directory ...


Git: How to remove ignored files from your repository's directory. When you have files in your .gitignore they won't be considered for changes, but still you might ...

git rm命令- Git教程™


git rm 命令用于从工作区和索引中删除文件。 简介 git rm [-f | --force] [-n] [-r] [-- cached] [--ignore-unmatch] [--quiet] [ ...

.gitignore file - ignoring files in Git | Atlassian Git Tutorial


If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a .gitignore rule for it. Using the -- ...

How to Remove Files in Git that Should Have Been Ignored ...


Feb 9, 2015 ... I sometimes come upon existing applications that use [Git](http://git-scm.com) where files were added to the repository that should have ...

How to Remove Untracked Files in Git | Linuxize


Removing Ignored Files #. The git clean command also allows removing ignored files and directories. To remove the all ...

Untrack files already added to git repository based on .gitignore ...


Jan 20, 2016 ... gitignore file. Step 2: Remove everything from the repository. To clear your repo, use: git rm -r ...

How to remove git files, directories in .gitignore from a remote ...


Jan 30, 2019 ... I have a directory called backup in my local git repository with two files. Below is the .gitignore file which I have modified to ignore files in this ...

How To Clear Git Cache – devconnected


Nov 13, 2019 ... Note : do not forget the cached option or your file will be deleted from the filesystem. For this example, the .gitignore file is set to ignore all files ...