In Lua 5.2 or earlier, both tostring(10) and tostring(10.0) result as the string "10".

In Lua 5.3, this has changed:

print(tostring(10)) -- "10"
print(tostring(10.0)) -- "10.0"

That's because Lua 5.3 introduced the integer subtype. From Changes in the Language:

The conversion of a float to a string now adds a .0 suffix to the result if it looks like an integer. (For instance, the float 2.0 will be printed as 2.0, not as 2.) You should always use an explicit format when you need a specific format for numbers.

c - Lua - Number to string behaviour - Stack Overflow

In Lua 5.2 or earlier, both tostring(10) and tostring(10.0) result as the string "10" . In Lua 5.3, this has changed: print(tostring(10)) -- "10" ...

What is tostring() in Lua?

In Lua, you can convert a number to a string using the tostring() function. 10 ...

Lua string to int - Stack Overflow

Lua just does automatically conversion between strings and numbers. If you want ensure the type, use a = tonumber(a). – xpol. Feb 26, 2016 at 3:52.

Convert integer to string, in Lua

Idiom #55 Convert integer to string · S : String := Integer'Image (I); · #include <stdlib.h>. char s[0x1000]={}; itoa(i,s,10); · (let [s (str i)]) · #include < ...

Programming in Lua : 2.4

Strings have the usual meaning: a sequence of characters. ... We can specify a character in a string also by its numeric value through the escape sequence ...

Learn Lua: Variables and Data Cheatsheet | Codecademy

Variables can store values of any data type ( number , string , boolean , and nil ). After a value is assigned, the variable can be updated to a new value as ...

Programming in Lua : 20

20 – The String Library. The power of a raw Lua interpreter to manipulate strings is quite limited. A program can create string literals and concatenate ...