You are typing into Python shell.

To leave the interactive shell and go back to the console (the system shell), press Ctrl-Z and then Enter on Windows, or Ctrl-D on OS X or Linux. Alternatively, you could also run the python command exit().

Then type into Command line Interface.

By the way I believe you need to install using pip3 rather than pip, since you are using python3.X. So command would be

pip3 install -U selenium

使用pip安装软件selenium一直失败解决办法_u014229742的博客 ...

2018年11月14日 ... 使用pip安装软件selenium一直失败,解决办法:pip换了命令:python -m pip install selenium.

pip install selenium ERROR python 3.7 Windows 10 - Stack Overflow

You are typing into Python shell . To leave the interactive shell and go back to the console (the system shell), press Ctrl-Z and then Enter on ...

正常安装selenium后,pycharm导入selenium失败- 属于自己的世界 ...

2020年7月20日 ... 问题:导入selenium失败解决:去File/settings里面的python interpreter/project interpreter路径修改为python的安装路径即可.


2018年4月27日 ... OK,安装完成。 4.如果出现安装到一半的时候出现报错安装失败,例如以下报错, 去查看一下Python的安装目录里是不是还 ...

selenium standalone start failed when install single chrome driver ...

Jan 2, 2019 ... vvo Steps: npm install selenium-standalone(6.15.4) install just chrome driver with "--singleDriverInstall=chrome" configuration start selenium ...

解决Pycharm无法使用已经安装Selenium的问题_zby_hlx的博客 ...

2018年4月19日 ... 该环境本身缺少很多外部库,尝试在此环境下装selenium,但是失败了:. 所以,接 下来只能Project Interpreter为自己本机的python27环境:.

firefox上安装selenium ide失败- 将木哈哈- 博客园

2017年4月11日 ... Selenium 初学者第一步:. 最近在学习selenium,但是在安装的时候遇到了问题。 我是直接在firefox安装Selenium IDE ,虽然下载安装之后存在 ...

pip安装selenium一直失败解决办法_lingtouyang的博客-CSDN博客_ ...

2019年5月11日 ... 解决办法:使用命令:python -m pip install selenium安装截图:selenium设计出来 是做自动化测试的,正好满足爬虫需求,所以用来爬虫。

Selenium Webdriver Setup Error - Stack Overflow

ok so to get this to work you need several things: a version of python you plan to use (doesn't matter which as long as you know the version ...

Unable to install Selenium Python module in Ubuntu 14.04 - Ask ...

You are trying to install a Python 3 module in Python virtual environment (python- virtualenv) which is specific to Python 2.x. In order to use pip3 ...

python安装selenium失败- CSDN

为您解决当下相关问题,如果想了解更详细python安装selenium失败内容, ... 安装 好python后,用pip install selenium命令安装失败,提示访问不到网址(网络太 ...

Python+Selenium初学者常见问题处理- 知乎

2018年6月7日 ... 1、引入selenium包失败:. 出现这种错误,一般分为两种 ... 针对第①种,那就是麻 溜的去安装selenium库。pip命令安装最好!!命令:pip install ...


pip已经成功安装,读取版本后显示9.0.1,但是使用pip安装各个版本selenium时 Downloadingselenium-3.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl--这个始终 ...

Failed to install selenium on Ubuntu with Python3 - Stack Overflow

You can use selenium on Ubuntu with Python3 by following steps: use sudo apt- get install python3-pip to install pip for python3; use sudo python3 -m pip install ...

Unable to Install Selenium WebDriver API from NuGet Package ...

Unable to Install Selenium WebDriver API from NuGet Package Manager. It fails and gives error message, UAP 10.0 is not compatible with ...

[JENKINS-34714] Selenium plugin install error after upgrade to ...

May 10, 2016 ... When I tried to install the Selenium plugin after upgrading to Jenkins 2.0 (now on 2.1) I receive this error: Failed to ...

Unable to install selenium ide plugin in old firefox browsers | Firefox ...

Jun 21, 2018 ... When I am clicking selenium ide plug-in extension from google, it goes to new version of selenium ide and showing error message not supported ...

Pip failed to install selenium - Programmer Sought

Cause: The network speed is not strong and the installation timed out. Resolution : Set timeout installation. Pip --default-timeout=100 install -U selenium==2.53.6 ...

selenium · PyPI

Failure to observe this step will give you an error selenium.common.exceptions. WebDriverException: Message: 'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH.